Back Again

     My friends (her sister is staying with us now) will be leaving this Saturday. It will be bittersweet, as this means the family emergency is on its way to being over, but I have a feeling our house will feel very large and empty when they leave. I've become used to having a couple of "sisters," being an only child. I suppose they must go home sometime, though. I'll miss having them around.
     I've been reading Carrie Fisher's book "The Best Awful," and I love it. I love her honest style of writing and how she looks at even the worst periods of her life with humor. I've always loved the kind of people who could use humor to lighten situations, particularly their own. I believe it makes going through life easier than if you take everything too seriously.
     Anyway, that's all for now. I should be posting regularly again after Saturday, since I'll be lonely again when my friends leave.


     I thought I should explain me recent silence and my silence to come. I will still try to post, but a friend of mine is staying at my house during a family emergency, which will take up most of my time. Bear with me until I can post regularly again.

Search Success!

     I've been Googling my blog every so often, just to see if it was possible to find it that way. I got a nice surprise today. It's listed in Google search! You have to google "stonecoldcrazyblog" to find it, so it's unlikely that anyone will stumble across it that way, but I consider it an accomplishment.
     You may have noticed the lack of ads in the blog. I'm one of those people who hate ads, very unrealistically too, since they do keep internet content free. But advertising on unrelated websites has become so obnoxious that I shudder at the thought of putting Adsense in my blog. Now, some years in the future if my blog becomes insanely popular (don't worry, that's about as likely as me growing a third arm) I may have a couple of direct advertisements with companies I actually like. But it's unlikely that this will get popular enough for me to even consider that.
     I am  thinking about adding a "Website of the Week" section in the sidebar of the blog, though, just as a place to promote my favorite websites. I'm not getting paid, obviously, as I have no followers, but I thought I could point out my favorite websites to the few visitors I have.

The Cleverbot

     I stumbled upon this website quite by accident. I must say, it is much more entertaining than I ever expected. I've been on it for an hour and I'm amazed that it's been that long, that I could have a conversation with an AI for that long. It's a lot of fun though, and the Jabberwacky is fun as well. Check the website out sometime, but only when you have quite a bit if time to kill. The website is

Directories, moderators, melodies, oh my!

     Because it appears I have had no visitors other than myself, judging by my hit counter, I've spent the last hour registering on blog directory sites. I hope it pays off. If I get a single visitor by the end on this week I'll be thrilled.
     I really don't have anything more interesting that the fact that I'm moving up in moderator rankings on I'm currently up to #13, which I consider an accomplishment. I guess I shouldn't forget that that I biked 15 miles today. It should have only been 13, but I got lost and ended up taking a slight detour. Oops. There's no experience quite like getting lost out in the middle of nowhere on a bike.
     I'm starting a regular feature of the blog, which I'm calling "What Song Is Stuck In Crazy's head Today?" Aren't I clever? There's never been a more original idea that that, or a more original title.
     Yes, that was sarcasm, if some of you couldn't tell. Though I sincerely hope you could. If I think up a better name later I'll change it. Feel free to give suggestions. Actually, I'm begging you.
     Anyway, today's featured song is "Godzilla" by Blue Öyster Cult. Very catchy. You can listen to it at

Fisher Fever

     Sorry I missed the last few days, I've been busy.
     Ah, who am I kidding. I forgot, plain and simple. It's a side effect of having a terrible memory. My apologies. I think it would be more practical now to say that I'll be posting 3-6 times a week from now on.
     Though I have been pretty busy, so that statement wasn't entirely untrue.
     Anyway, I'll move on to explaining the title of this post. My Princess Leia obsession drove me to do a little more research on the actress that played her character, Carrie Fisher, and in doing so my obsession spread from a single character in a single set of films to the woman behind the princess. As a result, Carrie Fisher has become my new favorite actress, comedian, and celebrity. I've been watching every video I can find on this amazingly funny person and watching as many movies she starred in as I can (I wish she played the main role in more, it's a shame that she didn't as good as she is). I've also been spending quite a bit of time at her website, and her personality definitely shows in her blogging. I can't wait to head over to the library and check out a few of her books.
     She mentions in her blog and in several interviews that bloggers have compared her appearance to that of Elton John and even Jabba the Hutt. In order to keep at least some of my faith in humanity I'm going to assume that these bloggers are people who don't realize that the celebrity they are bashing is in fact an actual human being with actual feelings, though I'm sure there are those who just don't care. I personally think that Carrie looks great for her age, especially considering all her body has been put through. Even after saying that I'm disappointed that people still consider looks a major thing, that we haven't come to realize that appearance is really the last thing about a person that matters. But unfortunately the day that we do realize and accept that fact will probably never come. Then again, maybe it will.
     In the mean time, while we wait for all of humanity to wise up a bit, head on over to Carrie's website,, and check out her blog.

Entertainment, anyone?

     If you're like me at all, you probably kill time on the internet quite often. I have certain sites that I like to visit to keep me entertained. I highly recommend that you check them out. My favorites are,, and These are the types of things that I waste bits of my life looking at. They can be quite amusing, though. If anyone has site suggestions for me to look at, please let me know. If I like them I'll post them in the blog.

Of Mice and Rabbits

Warning: For those of you who do not like mice, you may wish to skip this particular post.

     It seems a small colony of mice have made themselves at home in the doghouse that is now being used as a home for our rabbits. I won't be too wordy in this post, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking. I'm going to estimate that there are about 20 mice living in the house, considering while the ones you can see in the pictures are eating there are mice watching me from underneath the house, mice running around outside the frame, and who knows how many mice working on the tunnel system they've made beneath the house in the dirt. They certainly have the perfect place to stay, although they are a bit afraid of our 17-lb. rabbits. The mice, and rabbits too, are extremely adorable, if I do say so myself.

One mouse coming up from underneath the house to grab some cornflakes.
Big jump for a little guy.
Isn't he cute?

     By the looks of some of these mice, we may have quite a few more on the way. Then again, with their abundant food supply it's difficult to tell which are pregnant and which are just plain fat.

Star Wars Fever

     What better way to start a blog than my newest obsession? I began watching the Star Wars movies, episodes 4-6, last week. I instantly became addicted, to one character in particular: Princess Leia. To me, she is the Princess that the tomboys of the world, myself included, can look upon with pride. She shows that not all movie princesses wear ball gowns and have people to wait on them hand and foot. She's strong, courageous, intelligent, resourceful, and level-headed throughout all of the movies. And she's a good shot. That's considered something to be proud of out here in Hicktown, USA.
     But she isn't all I love about the movies. I'm a big fan of science fiction in general, but there's just something about Star Wars that captures my interest. I'm one of those people who are bored watching movies that are predictable, and science fiction movies seem to have become just that. I've watched enough SciFi that I've gotten to the point where I can pretty well guess what will happen long before it does in a lot of movies. Star Wars didn't disappoint me like many science fiction movies do.
     The characters were also very entertaining. Though my favorite character, obviously, is Leia, I was a big fan of R2-D2, Chewbacca, and C-3PO. And even Han Solo, who I thought was a jerk at times. I have a soft spot for the Ewoks, too. Awfully plucky spirits for creatures that look like big teddy bears.
     So my question to you is: What were your favorite characters, and why?

New Layout

     Many thanks to for providing the new layout. I'm using Notepad Chaos v2, with a few modifications. :)

Blog up and running!

     Hello everyone! This is my first blog, so bear with me. I created this blog as an online journal of sorts, so I will stay anonymous. This is simply a place to share my crazy thoughts with the world, though I doubt many, if anyone, will bother to read them. To those of you who do, though, I thank you. I hope I can keep you entertained.
     To those who are experienced bloggers, please feel free to give me blogging tips at any time. I'm violating a rule I've read on several sites already, which is to pick a topic and blog about only that topic. I'm not too worried, though, with a mind like mine there is no possible way to pick only one. So be prepared to read about everything from my love of classic rock to SciFi movies to TaeKwonDo.
     I hope I can give you some entertainment. I will try to post daily for the most part, but I'm sure it won't always happen.