Sorry I missed the last few days, I've been busy.
Ah, who am I kidding. I forgot, plain and simple. It's a side effect of having a terrible memory. My apologies. I think it would be more practical now to say that I'll be posting 3-6 times a week from now on.
Though I have been pretty busy, so that statement wasn't entirely untrue.
Anyway, I'll move on to explaining the title of this post. My Princess Leia obsession drove me to do a little more research on the actress that played her character, Carrie Fisher, and in doing so my obsession spread from a single character in a single set of films to the woman behind the princess. As a result, Carrie Fisher has become my new favorite actress, comedian, and celebrity. I've been watching every video I can find on this amazingly funny person and watching as many movies she starred in as I can (I wish she played the main role in more, it's a shame that she didn't as good as she is). I've also been spending quite a bit of time at her website, and her personality definitely shows in her blogging. I can't wait to head over to the library and check out a few of her books.
She mentions in her blog and in several interviews that bloggers have compared her appearance to that of Elton John and even Jabba the Hutt. In order to keep at least some of my faith in humanity I'm going to assume that these bloggers are people who don't realize that the celebrity they are bashing is in fact an actual human being with actual feelings, though I'm sure there are those who just don't care. I personally think that Carrie looks great for her age, especially considering all her body has been put through. Even after saying that I'm disappointed that people still consider looks a major thing, that we haven't come to realize that appearance is really the last thing about a person that matters. But unfortunately the day that we do realize and accept that fact will probably never come. Then again, maybe it will.
In the mean time, while we wait for all of humanity to wise up a bit, head on over to Carrie's website,, and check out her blog.