Home Again, Home Again

     Sorry for my absence, I've been out of internet service for a while. I'll get back to posting regularly again, as long as nothing else comes up to prevent me from doing so. Cross your fingers!

Current Events

     The a/c is busted and the house is sweltering, so I've been sleeping in the basement to keep cool at night. We have this problem with the a/c every year, and it's getting a bit annoying now. I need cool temperatures to sleep, and I need sleep before the Relay tomorrow.
     I've been reading Carrie Fisher's book Surrender The Pink, and, like the others, I love it. This one isn't so autobiographical, but she does give the main character a lot of her personality.
     I probably won't get a chance to post tomorrow or Sunday, since I'll be at the Relay most of the time, but I 'll try to post again Monday.

Postcards from the Storm

     Good grief, did we get a thunderstorm last night. Or rather, early this morning. I even dreamed about a thunderstorm without waking up to see that it was storming. Areas not too far from here are underwater, too. Luckily, my town is on a hill, so the worst puddle I have in my 6-acre yard is about 3 inches deep.
     In other news (tap of the papers on the desk in front of me), I recently finished Postcards From The Edge. I'm now trying to decide which book I've read, this or The Best Awful, was my favorite. I think it's a very close call, but I'd have to say... Postcards From The Edge. I don't know why, it just appealed to me a little bit more. Actually, I do know why. The Best Awful dealt more with drugs and her time in the mental hospital, while Postcards From The Edge gave the readers more of a look into who Carrie really was, sober and in her semi-normal life.
     All in all, they're both excellent books, and they've made their way onto the mental list I keep of my favorite books.

New Websites

     I've discovered some more entertaining websites in the past week or so. I added them to my favorite websites list, but for quick reference they are: www.notalwaysright.com and www.passiveaggressivenotes.com.

Happy Mother's Day!

     Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there, including my own. I hope you enjoy the day dedicated to you.

Tournament Results

     Well, the TaeKwonDo tournament was earlier today. I finished 1st in forms and 2nd in sparring. My dad and I were also recognized with an award given once a year to one student, but in this case it was split between two students. The tournament was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to next year.
     The local Relay for Life is this weekend, and as part of the TaeKwonDo school's team I will be attending. Let's hope for good weather - last year it was held for only 12 hours and at an indoor college track.

TaeKwonDo Competiton

     I'm going to crash very early tonight, as I'm competing in a local TaeKwonDo competition tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun, as always. Wish me luck! :)

Carrie Fisher's Blog

     I just realized I didn't add Carrie Fisher's blog to my favorite blogs list! How could I have forgotten? Her blog is my absolute favorite of any I have read. To give you a little taste of her way of looking at things and her humor, I'd like to quote a sentence from her blog: "In closing, I’d like to say that my IQ is dangerously close to my weight. And for those of you skinny folks  out there, I hope the same isn’t true……." Genius. I'd never thought of it that way before... :)
     If you'd like to read more of her blog, the link is http://carriefisher.com/?cat=1. Be warned, she does a lot of swearing, but if you're familiar with Carrie's writing at all you'll know that's just the way she is. To be honest, I sometimes wish I were as brave as her.

Contact info updated

     I updated the HTML so you can e-mail me by clicking "contact." Feel free to do so anytime.

A Few Random Pictures

     I had the urge to post some pictures I found. No real reason, just for entertainment. Enjoy.