I Can't Think of an (Almost) Witty Title

     Well, I'm back, but I'm brain dead from lack of sleep. My insomnia has kicked in during the past few nights. I spent last night looking up random interjections in my Latin dictionary and translating "Res ipsa loquitor, tabula in naufragio." I only sat Pirates of the Caribbean 3, oh, say 15 times.
     That's a good topic: movies. What are my readers' (reader's? maybe) favorites? I'd say mine would have to be Iron Man, Man In The Iron Mask, Star Wars (original trilogy), Pirates trilogy, Harry Potter series, Airplane!, Airplane: The Sequel, A Beautiful Mind, Benny and Joon, Sleepy Hollow, and The Mummy movies, among many others. Including, though I'm ashamed to admit it, the Austin Powers movies. I like just about any horror movie, as well, though it's difficult for me to find one that will actually scare me. Oh, and science fiction. I love science fiction. My only problem is that SciFi has become pretty predictable lately, especially with alien movies.
     Speaking of science fiction, that brings me back to my new favorite SciFi movie series, my favorite celebrity, my favorite actress, and a new addition to my long list of favorite authors. I've almost finished her book, sadly, so I guess this means another trip to the library is going to go on my schedule. Not that I have a schedule. I'm not one of those over-organized put-it-on-my-list-if-you-want-it-done always-busy people. That's my mother. And I'm nothing like her. Well, maybe a little, but I didn't get that part of her brain.
     But anyway, I've read most of The Best Awful now. I absolutely adore this book, because it's hilarious, horribly sad, and at many times, terrifying. I haven't had any interaction with drugs or doers of drugs, so reading a very open account of their affects on the mind scares me. I still don't understand how people can have the courage to let the drugs take over them. I want to stay in control of my words and actions at all times.
     In other news, I joined Twitter. Not to "tweet" or promote my blog, but just to follow other Twitter users, Carrie Fisher in particular (Yes, yes, I know, I'm obsessed. But can you blame me?). I'm disappointed that most celebrities don't tweet about anything except advertising their own shows, products, etc. I like the celebrities such as Carrie, who actually tweet about themselves, their life, events, and other such things with minimal advertising. Yes, I think it's okay and even good to promote your show or hold contests for tickets or whatever else goes on in celebrity Twitter pages, but that should not be the only thing they tweet! Fans are interested in them, don't they know that? We want to see how their minds work.
     Well, farewell for now. I hope I don't have any more interruptions in my blogging schedule anymore, and please forgive the absence I did have.


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